Largest U.S. Coalition of National Small Business Organizations, Small Business Roundtable, Hosts International Entrepreneurship Exchange 2023 in London

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Published by Small Business Roundtable

Small Business Roundtable works alongside international partners to host the entrepreneurial summit, Entrepreneurship Exchange 2023 (EX23), on March 16, 2023.

Washington, D.C. – The Small Business Roundtable (SBR), a coalition of leading small business and entrepreneurship organizations, has partnered with Enterprise Nation, the Federation of Small Businesses, The Entrepreneurs Network, and Intuit to host the Entrepreneurship Exchange 2023 (EX23) on Thursday, March 16, 2023, in London, United Kingdom.

EX23 will bring together small business leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts from across the globe to explore policy issues impacting small businesses, industry trends, economic development, technology, and international trade. This summit will explore and hear from a group of entrepreneurial leaders from around the globe on how entrepreneurship can create wealth in all communities, the importance of small business in U.S.-U.K. trade discussions, and small businesses’ progress when it comes to digital transformation and what more can be done.

This in-person, day-long summit will encompass a half-day symposium focused on an entrepreneurial and stakeholder audience in London, a roundtable forum with trade policy experts, a briefing with Parliament, and additional events with stakeholders. For additional information on the event, email

Small Business Roundtable issued the following statement:
“We are honored to host a multinational event to discuss key issues impacting small business communities across the world. Small businesses, across various countries, continue to face similar challenges, especially as they attempt to expand into global markets. We look forward to the productive conversations that this forum will foster between U.S. and U.K, policymakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.”

The Federation of Small Businesses provided the following statement:
“There’s a clear appetite among UK small firms to export to the US, and we’re pleased to be supporting this event at the same time as FSB is running a visit to Washington to bang the drum for small business opportunities, on both sides of the Atlantic. Small businesses at this event will marshal their collective experience and expertise to explore how to boost trade between the two countries. We look forward to continued collaboration with our American counterparts and policymakers to bring down trade barriers facing SMEs.”

The Entrepreneurs Network provided the following statement:
“EX23 is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, policymakers and business organizations with a global mindset to share their experiences and best practices. We expect this in-person will forge connections that will benefit US-UK trade relations, generating opportunities for small businesses in both countries.”

Enterprise Nation provided the following statement:
“Enterprise Nation are delighted to be partnering on this event with the Small Business Roundtable. For small businesses, exporting, embracing technology and expanding their supply chain opportunities are vital for any business looking to grow. This event will be a chance for businesses to connect with government representatives, policy stakeholders and entrepreneurs, and to learn more about the benefits of expanding into global markets.”


The Small Business Roundtable ( is a coalition of leading small business and entrepreneurship organizations, dedicated to advancing policy, securing access, and promoting inclusion to benefit the businesses at the heart of the American economy.

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